Double city launch for new practise - The Journal of The Law Society of Scotland

Double city launch for new practise - The Journal of The Law Society of Scotland

Oliver Green

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Thirteen specialists have combined to form a new practice in what it believes to be one of the largest ever new launches of a law firm in Scotland.

Gilson Gray LLP has opened as a full service legal practice in both Glasgow and Edinburgh, with eight solicitor partners and five other senior team members.

The firm name derives from managing partner Glen Gilson, previously one of the senior management team at HBJ Gateley, and Matthew Gray, former management board member and head of property services at Pagan Osborne, a non-lawyer who will run the practice’s property services business.

The two are joined by 11 other experienced practitioners from across the Scottish legal, property and financial sectors:

Andrew Fleetwood (formerly principal at Fleetwood Legal, ex magic circle Freshfields and Head of Energy Eversheds Scotland);

Iain Clark, solicitor advocate, formerly litigation partner at Young & Partners and an author on international arbitration;

Derek Hamill, a corporate lawyer also formerly of Young & Partners;

Murray Stewart, formerly head of real estate at Eversheds Scotland;

Graham Millar, formerly head of employment law at Young & Partners;

Steven Jansch, solicitor advocate and formerly head of insolvency at Gillespie Macandrews;

David Alexander, formerly head of asset recovery at Blacklocks;

Jonathan Williams, formerly a residential property partner at Morton Fraser;

Gerry Cockburn, finance director, who formerly held that post at Optima Legal, the Faculty of Advocates and Golds Solicitors, and author on law firm financial managemen;

Angus Macleod, double financial services partner at St James’ Place; and Rob McGregor, formerly senior property valuer at Pagan Osborne.

Commenting on the launch, Glen Gilson said the firm’s partner-led teams included accredited specialists and award-winning individuals, many of them dual qualified in both Scottish and English law.

“We can provide the same full service technical expertise as any of the largest law firms in Scotland. We believe however that we can offer a more cost effective solution”, he commented.

Matthew Gray added: “We are delighted with the assembled team and the level of support from the Scottish business community.”

The firm’s offices are at 29 Rutland Square, Edinburgh, and 160 West George Street, Glasgow.



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