Preparing your rental property for the Winter season

Preparing your rental property for the Winter season

Pauline Traill

With the end of 2023 approaching we hope everyone has managed to keep safe and well and is looking forward to enjoying the festive period.

At Gilson Gray, we caught up with Pauline Traill who is a Senior Property Manager within our Dundee office, to provide some key information which will help you prepare for winter as the cold snap officially arrives!


If your boiler has stopped working. Don’t panic!

  • Check that it is turned on at the main switch next to the boiler and on the timer.
  • Have you paid the gas bill or if applicable fed card meter?

If yes and still not working, try the following instructions before submitting your maintenance report online.

  • Check the pressure gauge on the front of the boiler first, it should sit between 1 and 2 bar.
  • If pressure ok, try pressing the reset button or switch the power off at the switch next to the boiler, give it 5 seconds then back on again, if this fails to work please submit your maintenance report online.
  • If pressure is below 1 bar, please turn on valve at filling loop – flexible hose just below the boiler – turn valve off once the pressure is between 1 and 2 bar. Now reset boiler or turn power back on and off as above.
  • It may be helpful to bleed your radiators in order to ensure that you are getting the most out of them. There are lots of guides you can follow online to help you to do this if you’re unsure!

To help keep your property warm, we suggest closing curtains and blinds or the use of sausage dog draught excluders at doors to keep the heat in and the cold out.

Freezing Pipes

We recommend keeping the heating on at a low temperature if you are going away for Christmas or the festive period to prevent burst pipes. Having the heating come on for an hour or two in the morning and in the evening should be enough, just remember to top up your meter if it is a pay-as-you-go!

Where you will be going away for a longer period of time, it may be appropriate and required for insurance purposes to turn off the water supply and drain down the water systems in the property. If unsure on how to do this, please engage the services of a plumber which Gilson Gray can provide contact details.

Our Emergency out of hours number is 0131 516 5366 (Lettings option) please do not call your Property Manager on their mobile number during the festive period.

Damp and Condensation

Damp and condensation can be an issue in winter, for further information on how to identify and prevent this, please refer to your attached tenancy service agreement.


We ask that all maintenance issues are reported via our online maintenance section on our website. You can find this by clicking on the ‘Property’ section and then ‘Report a repair’ button from the drop down. If you call us or email us to report any maintenance we will kindly request you to report this through this method to ensure we have all our maintenance logged on our system.

From all at Gilson Gray Lettings, we hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year and we look forward to working with you in 2024!

For any of our Lettings clients, you can contact your property manager direct during working hours.

Are you thinking of renting your home in the New Year? Contact Pauline Traill direct to discuss your specific property needs via or find out more here.

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