Consumer Rights Unit - Gilson Gray
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Consumer Rights Unit

Our lawyers pride ourselves on the support, expertise and resolution skills we offer both our private and commercial clients.

We know how confusing and time-consuming exercising your rights against a company can be. Gilson Gray has established a Consumer Rights Unit, to exercise the collective power in numbers where you have been part of a group who have had their rights affected. Some cases our specialists are currently investigating include:

PCP mis-sold car finance 

Following a Financial Conduct Authority investigation, there appears to have been historic and widespread misconduct in the sale of PCP car agreements, with customers either misled or not informed fully of the financial implications. If you have a PCP agreement dated between 2003 – 2023 you may have been involved in the misselling scandal. 

Diesel emissions

Diesel emissions claims have gained new attention in Scotland following the large-scale settlement of Volkswagen in December 2022. Gilson Gray is investigating whether the “defeat devices” used in Volkswagen engines extend to other manufacturers, which if so not only has implications for motorists and consumers but to human health and the environment. If you have purchased or leased a diesel vehicle between 2008 and 2020 you may be entitled to redress. 


While having attracted more attention in recent years following everyone’s favorite (…) GDPR, your right to remedy following a company’s mishandling of your data has been long enshrined in UK legislation. If you have received a letter or an email in the last 5 years advising your data has been breached by that company get in touch with our team of data breach experts. Such claims are a complex legal landscape intertwining privacy and financial issues and you must have the right team on board to help. 


We currently represent a cohort of 40 organisations in the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry.

Becoming a core participant in the Inquiry offers individuals or (more typically) organisations a formal status within the proceedings. This designation grants them specific rights, such as access to inquiry documents before publication, the ability to make statements, and active participation in hearings including being able to propose questions. If you would like more information on your group applying for Core Participant status in the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry please get in touch.

This is not a service we offer to consumers in England.

Our team of consumer rights solicitors can help you with:

Needing help with a claim?

Contact our excellent team of consumer rights unit solicitors.

Advice or resolving a claim

Whatever the claim, Gilson Gray can help you resolve it.