How to achieve financial stability for LGBTQ+ - Gilson Gray
How to achieve financial stability for LGBTQ+

How to achieve financial stability for LGBTQ+

In recent years, the LGBTQ+ community has made significant strides towards greater acceptance and legal recognition. However, despite these advancements, the community continues to face unique financial challenges that can hinder economic stability and long-term financial security. A financial adviser can help navigate the challenges with the aim of achieving financial well-being.

Healthcare costs are an area of concern for LGBTQ+ individuals. While the NHS provides many services, there can be long wait times and limited access to specialised care, such as gender affirming treatments, prompting some to seek expensive private healthcare options. These additional expenses can strain budget and impact the ability to save for other financial goals.

LGBTQ+ individuals and couples often face additional costs and complexity when it comes to starting a family. Adoption, surrogacy, and fertility treatments can be expensive, and these costs are not always fully covered by the NHS or private insurance.

Statistically the LGBTQ+ community also have lower pension savings and face retirement planning challenges.

Looking at the challenges outlined above, working with a knowledgeable financial adviser can make a significant difference to an individual and their families financial future.

A financial adviser can create a tailored financial plan that considers the specific needs and goals of their clients. This includes budgeting for potentially higher healthcare costs, planning for creating a family, and setting realistic retirement goals. Advisers can help clients navigate the complexities of their financial situations, ensuring they are prepared for both expected and unexpected expenses.

Building an investment portfolio that aligns with their values and long-term financial goals is a key part of an adviser’s job. They help clients to manage risk and build a diversified investment strategy. All solutions are tailored to an individual’s unique circumstances. Where needed, a financial adviser can also help with creating additional retirement income streams.

There are many benefits to speaking with a financial adviser but building resilience against financial uncertainties is essential to ensure clients stay on track with their financial goals. This includes creating emergency funds, managing debt effectively, and planning for long term care needs. Helping individuals and families to achieve greater financial stability and peace of mind is a rewarding part of any advisers job.

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Stacey MacLeod
Financial Advisor, Gilson Gray Financial Management


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