Standardised wind contracts could be a breath of fresh air for decarbonisation

Standardised wind contracts could be a breath of fresh air for decarbonisation

In the Press

The energy sector is rarely free from the spotlight, but with a potential change of political leadership on the horizon next month, there has been even more talk about the future of the North Sea in the battle to win votes.

Labour has set out its plans to fully decarbonise the grid by 2030, with an increase of 60GW in offshore wind capacity, while the Conservatives have also proposed a 50GW boost.

Regardless of the election outcome, the push for decarbonisation shows no signs of slowing down and we expect to see continued momentum in the renewables sector.

For offshore wind, that means more proposals for new projects, increased turbine manufacturing, construction and installation, and a growing workforce with the expertise needed to fulfil the demand.

Compared to the decades-old oil and gas sector, it is still a relatively new industry and that comes with both opportunities and challenges.

On the one hand, it allows a clean slate and a chance to establish new, potentially better ways of working.

Read the full article with Calum Crighton, Partner and Head of Energy here.



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